Saint Cecilia’s is in the process of establishing a Flower Calendar for this year. Many of you have dates that are special to you —— anniversaries, birthdays, baptisms, times of Thanksgiving and memorials. We place flowers on our altar each Sunday except during the Lenten season. If you wish to have flowers placed on the Altar for a special occasion please email Beverly Conine with your name, the date, and how you’d like the dedication to read in our bulletin.
Let Beverly hear from you and she’ll reserve that date you choose to honor some event or someone and she’ll get your name on our Flower Calendar. Close to the date Beverly will make the arrangements for the flowers and your check should be payable to Saint Cecilia’s Church with “flowers” written on the memo line. You can drop your check in the Offering Bowl in the back of the chapel or mail to Saint Cecilia’s at PO Box 201, Round Top, Tx. 78954. Thank you!