Interested in officially joining Saint Cecilia’s or learning more about us? Are you looking for a spiritual tradition that is healthy, relevant, loving, and inclusive? Are you seeking a faith home that is grounded in scripture, tradition, reason, and experience, but most importantly is rooted in love for all people? Saint Cecilia’s Episcopal Church is far from perfect, but we welcome all those who recognize that faith is a journey, not a destination. Come and learn about our Celtic roots – a spirituality that is creation-centered, values beauty and creativity, and honors the ancient liturgies that have shaped the church for centuries. Our New Members Discovery Day will be offered from 9 – 3 on the following Saturdays: JULY 13, AUGUST 3, SEPTEMBER 7 at the Haw Creek Chapel (Saint Cecilia’s) in Henkel Square. If you’d like to formally join our church, this class is for you! If you’d simply like to learn more, this class is also for you!
There are two wonderful books to read before class – available at Saint Cecilia’s. Register by emailing Fr. Bill Miller at [email protected]. And remember: If it’s not about LOVE, it’s not about GOD! Please register by filling out the form on our Information Table or emailing Fr Bill at [email protected]